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Monthly Meeting – Wednesday, February 5th 6:30 pm – Atwater Library

North Branford Land Trust Join NBLCT Monthly Meeting at 6:30 pm at the Atwater Library, Foxon Rd, North Branford.  Contact 203-484-4566 for additional information.   

Jay Ague, December 18th 6:30 PM – Atwater Library

NBLCT will host, Jay Ague, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Yale University and Curator-in-Charge of Mineralogy and Meteoritics at the Yale Peabody Museum, will share his insights into the museum’s newly renovated and thoroughly reimagined mineral and meteorite galleries. Jay’s team oversees the scientifically and historically important collection of many tens of thousands of specimens from around the globe.

After discussing the history of the collections and the museum, Jay will acquaint us with the treasures in the new galleries including a sizable collection of Connecticut minerals, as well as Connecticut meteorites. The Yale Peabody Museum has been instrumental in saving part of our geological history and the face of our land.

Join us in the Atwater Library Community Room